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Cloud Hosting Plan Perfect For You!

All Cloud Hosting Features

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Personal Cloud

D378/M Regularly D472
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best value

Business Cloud

D472/M Regularly D590
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Pro Cloud

D709/M Regularly D886
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Free Domain Registration

Number of Core CPU

2 Core CPU

4 Core CPU

6 Core CPU






Single Domain

Unlimited Domains

Unlimited Domains

Unmetered Monthly Data Transfer

We understand that in today’s digital landscape, businesses require hosting solutions that are not just powerful but also flexible, scalable, and reliable. That’s where our cloud hosting services come in. We offer a cutting-edge cloud infrastructure that empowers businesses to thrive in the digital age.

Key Features of Our Cloud Hosting

Scalability: Our cloud hosting platform is designed to grow with your business. Whether you’re a startup with modest requirements or an enterprise with demanding workloads, our infrastructure scales effortlessly to meet your needs.

Flexibility: With the cloud, you have the freedom to choose the resources you need, from computing power to storage capacity. You’re in control of your hosting environment.

Reliability: Our cloud infrastructure is built for high availability. We leverage redundant systems and data centers to ensure that your websites and applications remain online, even in the face of hardware failures.

Performance: Enjoy lightning-fast performance with our cloud hosting. We utilize the latest hardware and technologies to optimize load times and deliver a superior user experience.

Security: Your data’s security is our top priority. Our cloud hosting includes robust security measures, encryption, and regular monitoring to protect your valuable assets.

Managed Services: If you prefer a hands-off approach, we offer managed cloud hosting services. Let our experts handle the technical details while you focus on your business.

Cloud Hosting Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

Web Hosting: Host your websites with ease on our cloud platform. Enjoy fast-loading web pages and seamless scalability to accommodate traffic spikes.

Application Hosting: Deploy and manage your applications in the cloud. Our infrastructure provides the ideal environment for your software, whether it’s a CMS, e-commerce platform, or custom application.

Database Hosting: Ensure your databases run efficiently and securely in our cloud environment. We support a variety of database systems for your data storage needs.

Development and Testing Environments: Create and manage development and testing environments in the cloud, allowing your development team to work efficiently and collaboratively.

Why Choose Payless Gambia for Cloud Hosting?

Expert Support: Our technical support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter.

Cost-Effective: Pay only for the resources you use. Our pricing is transparent, and there are no hidden fees.

Reliable Infrastructure: We invest in state-of-the-art data centers and technologies to provide a rock-solid hosting experience.

Innovation: We stay on the cutting edge of cloud technology, ensuring that you have access to the latest features and improvements.

Data Backup and Recovery: Your data is crucial. We offer backup and recovery options to protect your information.

At Payless Gambia, we’re more than just a hosting provider; we’re your technology partner. Whether you’re a small business, a growing startup, or an established enterprise, our cloud hosting solutions are designed to meet your unique requirements and drive your success in the digital world.

Ready to experience the power of cloud hosting? Contact us today to learn more and get started.

FAQ - Your questions? We got answers!

How does Web Hosting work?

Web hosting operates by leasing server space to store website files and data, ensuring 24/7 internet accessibility. Our hosting service provides a secure, reliable environment for your website’s content. When users visit your domain, our servers promptly deliver your site’s information, enhancing your online presence.

What tools or software can I use to build my website?

You can build your website using user-friendly website builders like Wix, Squarespace, or for simplicity. For more customization and control, consider, Joomla, or Drupal as content management systems (CMS). If you’re a developer, coding with HTML/CSS/JavaScript or using static site generators provides even greater flexibility.

What kind of web hosting plan do I need?

The web hosting plan you need depends on your website’s size and complexity. For a small personal site or blog, shared hosting is cost-effective. Medium-sized sites with more traffic may benefit from a VPS, while large e-commerce or resource-intensive websites often require dedicated servers or cloud hosting for scalability and performance.

Purchased a hosting plan, now what do I do?

After purchasing a hosting plan, start by configuring your domain to connect to the hosting server through DNS settings. Next, set up your website using a website builder, content management system (CMS), or upload your pre-designed site files. Populate your site with content, thoroughly test it, and then launch it to the public. Lastly, ensure regular maintenance, including content updates and security measures, to keep your website running smoothly and securely.

How is data security ensured in cloud hosting?

The security of your data and web applications is our top priority. We employ advanced encryption protocols for data both in transit and at rest. Our state-of-the-art firewalls, regular automated backups, and stringent access controls are meticulously implemented to protect your data. Plus, we adhere to industry standards and regulations, assuring you of the highest level of security for your hosted data.

Can I migrate my existing website or application to your cloud hosting service?

We offer seamless migration assistance for applications and websites. Our experts will guide you through the process of moving your web contents and applications, including transferring files, databases, and configuring DNS settings. We ensure a hassle-free transition to our cloud hosting platform.

Can I host multiple domain names with my hosting account?

Yes, our web hosting plans offer multiple domain names on a single account. These plans often include features like add-on domains or domain aliases, which let you manage multiple websites from one hosting dashboard. Be sure to check our hosting specific offerings and pricing for multi-domain hosting.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

Our company offers a money-back guarantee for web hosting. We stand by the quality of our service and provide a refund within a specified timeframe if you’re not satisfied with our hosting services. Please review our refund policy for more details.